One such way is volunteering to serve on city advisory bodies that help form public policy and make Ferndale a prosperous place to be.
Visit our Get Involved page for information about other community events and volunteer opportunities.
The City accepts applications for boards and commissions year-round, not just when there is a vacancy. If you feel you have something to contribute, please fill out an application and send it to City Clerk Susan Duncan (see below). You can find the application here.
For more information on serving on a City board or commission, see the Advisory Bodies Handbook here. All these meetings are open to the public. Click in to the individual pages to find the time and date for each group if you would like to attend.
More Information
Contact the City Clerk Susan Duncan
Email: susanduncan@cityofferndale.org
Phone: (360) 685-2354
Fax: (360) 384-1163
Meets Regularly

The Ferndale Arts Commission is charged with enhancing the community by advising on public art and community aesthetic enhancement.

Planning Commission
The Planning Commission plays a vital role in City government by reviewing, conducting hearings where applicable, and making recommendations to the City Council on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Titles 16 through 18 of the Ferndale Municipal Code, the City’s Official Zoning Map, and Shoreline Master Program.

Parks, Recreation & Trails Advisory Board
The Parks, Recreation & Trails Advisory Board assess the community’s park and recreational facilities, programs, needs and costs, makes recommendations to the City Council for the care, management, supervision, improvement and budgeting for City parks and recreational facilities and provides recommendations related to the updating of the City’s Parks Master Plan.

Equity Advisory Committee
The Equity Advisory Committee is charged with examining issues of diversity and equity and promoting solutions to the City that help us embrace our diverse community and create a more fair and just future for Ferndale.
Meets as Needed

Community Center Advisory Board (CCAB)
The Community Center Advisory Board (CCAB) assess the Pioneer Pavilion’s facilities, programs, needs and costs, and makes recommendations to the City Council for the care, management, supervision, improvement and budgeting of the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center. It also serves as a forum for the local non-profit community to raise issues and facilitate better coordination with the City and themselves.

The EAGLE Board has been created to work constructively with applicants in order to approve proposed EAGLE checklists, mitigation measures and associated points based on the City’s EAGLE Program. The Board makes findings to the Community Development Director and staff, which will incorporate the Board’s decision into subsequent staff approvals, if applicable.

Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is tasked with helping promote tourism in the City of Ferndale by making recommendations for grants from the revenues of hotel-motel, or lodging, tax.
Currently Inactive or Historical Groups

Tree Board
The Tree Board (formerly called the Community Forestry Committee) shall be charged with protecting and improving the quality of its existing and future tree resources, and to provide, update and administer a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets and in other public areas.

Ferndale Civics Youth Coalition (FCYC)
The Ferndale Civics Youth Coalition is an advisory board tasked with providing our local youth a voice in civic affairs and provide an opportunity to receive feedback on the best ways to connect and empower the youth of Ferndale.

North Whatcom Poverty Task Force
The North Whatcom Poverty Task Force is an advisory body tasked with drafting recommendations to the City Council to address the growing effects of income inequality, food insecurity, homelessness and rising housing prices.