Administrative Services Department
The Administrative Services Department is responsible for managing the City’s human resources, risk management services, records management, public records requests, City communications, the City’s website, and developing and researching new policy independently and in coordination with other City departments.
Administrative Services also provides the necessary link between the City Administration and City Council, separate legislative and administrative arenas. The department is largely responsible for developing and administering the processes for bringing forth the Mayor and City Administrator’s requests for legislative direction and action, and for recording and promulgating the Council’s policies and directions.
Administrative Services Director Susan Duncan performs City Clerk duties for the City, overseeing the compilation and distribution of twice-monthly Council agendas and packets, and is also responsible for maintaining City records as the official records depository and archivist for Ferndale. She also serves as the Human Resources Manager and Risk Manager for the City and is the designated agent to receive claims for the City.
The Communications and Community Relations Officer directs management of city communications through its website and social media feeds and provides public information on the city’s website. This position also coordinates the City’s recreational activities.

Human Resources
Employment opportunities, Employee Safety and Training, Benefits, Labor Relations, Employee Contracts

Public Records Requests, City Code, Forms, Minutes and Agendas

Unified Fee Schedule
Complete list of charges for city services.

Forms & Applications
From Business Licenses to Water Applications