The City is currently working on its 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Click here for more information.
What is a comprehensive plan?
The Washington State Growth Management Act, or GMA, was adopted in the early 1990’s and requires that jurisdictions create plans such as this to ensure cities will continue to provide adequate services such as water, sewer, and roads; plan for system-wide transportation improvements like the Thornton Connector; and identify land uses and the land areas necessary to serve both new and existing development.
The City’s first comprehensive plan under GMA was completed in 1997 and updated in 2005 and 2016, and the 2025 update is taking place now.
Most cities create the document and then leave it on a dusty shelf. But here in Ferndale, we aim higher.
Grandview Economic Opportunity Study
The City of Ferndale, in partnership with the Port of Bellingham, is conducting a study to assess the economic benefits to utility
ratepayers for funding utility improvements in the Grandview Area. The goal of the City of Ferndale and the Port of Bellingham is to
encourage development that will bring the greatest economic benefits to Ferndale and Whatcom County. The study will inform the
City and County’s long-range vision for the area and decisions about when and where to expand utilities. Utility infrastructure is
generally supported by new development in Washington state. In this case, the city as the utility owner, could fund an expansion if
it is in the best interest of utility ratepayers, which would be reimbursed through connection fees and other means. If this study
demonstrates economic benefits, such as business development and job growth, grants and other funding may be available.
State law dictates how cities manage growth. Ferndale is expected to grow by approximately 11,000 people and add nearly 3,500
jobs between 2025 and 2045. The Grandview Study Area is in Ferndale’s urban growth area (UGA). Over the last ten years, the City
has managed growth through infill development. Eventually, future growth will lead the City to annex more of its urban growth
areas, including the parts of the Grandview Study Area that are currently outside of the city limits.
The City of Ferndale and Port of Bellingham will be cohosting an Open House to discuss this study and to answer any questions, on
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center (2007 Cherry Street, Ferndale).
For more information, please contact Communications Officer Megan Juenemann at meganjuenemann@cityofferndale.org.
Comprehensive Plan Sections
(all documents are accessible as pdfs)
Chapter VI – Capital Facilities
Chapter VII – Economic Development