We are open for services Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.

We ask that you continue to contact us by phone and email as much as possible.  There is a rack of commonly requested forms in the front foyer, as well as a drop box for court payments.  The foyer is open throughout the week during regular business hours.

Fingerprinting is available by appointment only Tues-Thurs (9AM-4PM).

If you need an officer for any reason, dial 911, or you can use the direct line to Dispatch in our front foyer.  Bear in mind this is a public phone and, although we try to sanitize it regularly, you may be safer using your own phone.

Office staff is still on duty all week, and can take your phone calls during regular business hours at 360-384-3390.   We will assist you whenever possible.  Some of the services we offer to the public are:

 Request for Disclosure of Public Records

To make a request for Police reports and records, visit our records request portal by clicking here.

Response to Requests – Per RCW 42.56.520, we must respond within five business days of receiving a request, by

  • Providing the record
  • Providing a reasonable estimate as to when it will be available
  • Contacting the requestor for clarification
  • Denying the request, citing the reason(s) for denial

Any records or portion of records that are exempt from disclosure will be withheld or redacted (blacked out.)  We will specify and briefly explain the exemption that applies to any redactions or denials.  Some common exemptions are RCW 42.56. RCW 10.97, RCW 13.50, and RCW 46.52.

Sometimes, records are exempt from disclosure, pursuant to the state’s Public Records Act (state Model Rules explain this here). 

Fees for Public Records  

Print Copies – Black & White (8.5 x 11) $0.15 per page
Color Copies (8.5 x 11) $1.00 per page
Flash Drive – $5.00
Certified Copies $1.00 per Page
Records scanned into electronic format $0.10 per page
Attachments uploaded to an email $0.05 for every four electronic files or attachments
Transmitting records electronically (FTP) $0.10 per gigabyte
Alternative Flat Fee (if the City reasonably estimates and documents that the costs are clearly equal to or more than two dollars.) $2.00

Customized service charge if outside professional assistance (such as IT) is required – actual costs of provider.  You will be given an estimate to approve before these charges are authorized.

Payments are accepted by cash, check or money order only, made out to City of Ferndale.

To make a request for disclosure of non-police City records, contact the City Clerk Susan Duncan at City Hall, 2095 Main Street, Ferndale, or email susanduncan@cityofferndale.org .

Records Index – There is no single index of any City records.  The City of Ferndale has determined that maintaining a central index of City records is unduly burdensome and would be nearly impossible to maintain.  (Ferndale Municipal Code 2.21.040 and 2.21.050.)

Clearance Letters & Criminal History

Often when people are travelling or working overseas, the foreign county will ask them to present a Letter of Good Reputation (or something similar) showing that they have not had any troubles with the police in their home town.  We offer Clearance Letters for Ferndale residents for a $27.00 fee but do stress that only our City of Ferndale files are checked.  If you require a full  criminal history check,  contact the Washington State Patrol.

Salvation Army Emergency Assistance Program

Thanks to the Salvation Army Emergency Assistance Program, we are able to provide short term financial assistance to Ferndale residents and travelers who have experienced an emergency and are in need of help. Types of assistance include food and gas. Please call 360-384-3390 for further information.