New Ferndale City Well to be Activated
In the coming weeks, the new City Well will begin supplying groundwater to the Ferndale water system. This well, drilled in 2017, taps a fresh aquifer located over a 1,000 feet below the surface and will provide approximately a quarter of the City’s water supply.
The new well is completed in a separate aquifer than the current supply and will result in some changes to the taste of City water. There are many factors that influence the flavor of City water, not the least of which is your own personal preferences. No matter the taste, the City will ensure the water is safe and reliable.
The City is currently designing the expansion the Water Treatment Plant which is scheduled to be completed in 2021. When that project is completed, the well will provide a larger percentage of the City’s water.
“As we enter the summer months, I am thrilled to see this vital resource come online for the City,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “That said, water is still a precious resource and we need everyone to practice good conservation this summer.”
For more details on the new city well and ideas on how to conserve water, see www.cityofferndale.org/water