Councilmember Ramon Llanos to Vacate Seat Creating Vacancy on the City Council
Councilmember Ramon Llanos has informed the City that he will be moving outside the City limits at the end of November 2020 and will no longer be able to serve as a City Councilmember effective November 30th. This creates a vacancy on the Ferndale City Council that could be filled as early as Dec. 7th or decided at a later point.
When a vacancy occurs on the City Council, the Council solicits applications for interested members of the public willing to serve and then selects one of those applicants to serve. The appointed member would serve until the 2021 election results are certified at the end of November.
The City Council will meet and discuss the timeline, process and application materials at their November 16th council meeting starting at 6pm. Application materials will be available on the City website the following day.