June 30th, 2019 Issue
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Eagleridge Students Explore the Math Behind the Thornton Overpass Project
Students at Eagleridge Elementary got to roll up their sleeves and, using new math skills, plan out a key piece of the Thornton Overpass project last month.
Capital Projects Manager Katy Radder and her team of City employees taught students how to utilize math to measure distances on a map drawn to scale. Next, they received yarn representing each of the different utilities (light, water, sewer, storm and communications) that need to be installed in the Thornton Overpass, which begins construction this year.
Students worked to fit the utilities into the space for the project while working within limitations. After all, water and sewer lines cannot be placed too close together. Public Works staff also answered questions about Ferndale’s infrastructure and what it is like working for the City.

City Greenlights First Phase of Salish Village Project at Slater Road
After several months of design/review, the City is proud to issue permits to the Lummi Commercial Company (LCC) for what is considered the first phase of the Salish Village project located on Tribal Trust property south of Slater Road, within Ferndale City Limits. This phase includes a travel center with truck stop amenities and a 10,000 square foot store.
The LCC has contributed to the City to address the potential traffic and utility impacts of this phase and will be improving significant portions of Rural Avenue and Slater Road as well as
installing the water infrastructure to connect the property.
“The Lummi Nation and the City have worked diligently to ensure that the interests of both are met and protected,” said City Administrator Jori Burnett. “We share a common community, and I’m excited to continue to explore more partnerships as we move forward.”
“This is a project that we can all be proud of. We are encouraged with the partnership that we have built with the City of Ferndale and look forward to the things to come,” said Tim Ballew, CEO of the LCC.
The City anticipates working with the Lummi Nation, the State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), County, and the City of Bellingham later this summer as WSDOT begins work on the Slater Road corridor for up to $21 million made available through Washington State’s Connecting Washington program, the same program that has substantially funded the Thornton Overpass.

Stop Bike Thieves, Register Your Bike
With the nice weather, bicycle theft is on the rise. With a few easy steps, you can stop bike theft in its tracks—all you need to do is register your bike. Many bicycles are returned to the Ferndale Police but never claimed or resold at pawn shops. Registration gives us a chance to find the right owner.
Help us help you by filling out a bicycle registration form on our website (www.FerndalePolice.com) or stop by the department during office hours and fill one out in person.
For additional information call our office Monday thru Friday 8:00a – 5:00p at 360-384-3390 ext 0.

Only Rain Down the Drain
Pet waste doesn’t biodegrade like wild animal waste, it sticks around for a long time and contains harmful bacteria. It is raw sewage that pollutes our local waters, and the City of Ferndale is committed to reducing fecal
coliform in surfacewater and stormwater.
By bagging pet waste and putting it in the trash, you can help keep our water clean and help the City save time and money. There are pet waste dispensers located throughout our Ferndale Parks or you can stop by City hall to sign the Pet Waste Pledge and receive a free pet waste bag dispenser .
For more information about our efforts to keep our waters clean, check out www.cityofferndale.org/stormwater.

Why does the City allow so many dang pharmacies to open?
Here at the City, we get this question often. The City is actually not involved in the decisions to locate a specific business at a specific location. Often private businesses base the decision on demographics, foot traffic, growth and scores of other considerations.
The City does decide the zoning for an area that outlines general types of businesses (retail, light manufacturing, etc) that are appropriate for that part of town. Then, if a business owner is interested in setting up shop, and they fulfill the legal requirements to do so, the City issues a permit. The rest is up to the free market and local customers as to what they will support and which businesses will flourish.

The Wild Pioneer Life of William “Blanket Bill” Jarman
One of Ferndale’s more colorful settlers, Blanket Bill Jarman is credited as the first permeant white settler in the area when he first put down roots in Whatcom County in 1852. Jarman caused quite a stir earlier when he was kidnapped by tribal members from Vancouver Island and had to be ransomed with a pile of blankets as tall as he stood, earning him his nickname.
In the 1850s, he officially delivered mail by canoe for Fort Bellingham by canoe, and unofficially served as a smuggler. In the 1860s, he staked out a homestead in the county and worked as a bartender for a saloon in Bellingham. In 1871, a saloon patron insulted Jarman’s sister. A fight broke out and Jarman shot and killed the surly patron. Jarman was jailed for a short time before returning to England for a decade.
He returned to Whatcom and moved to Ferndale to stay with his niece and her husband, William Manning on their farm. In 1904, the Old Settlers Association recognized Jarman as the oldest living settler and described him as, “”Sailor, deserter, trader, hunter and fisherman, fur dealer, Indian slave, tribesman, squawman, homesteader, ship master, telegraph linesman, army courier and mail carrier, interpreter, bar tender, accused murderer, gold digger; there was little he did not find interesting and zestful”. You can find out more about Blanket Bill from the Ferndale Heritage Society at Pioneer Park.

Five Ferndale Festivals this Summer
Looking for some fun, free activities in the Ferndale area this summer? Don’t worry, there is plenty to keep you and your family having fun in the sun. Here’s just some of the options available this year:
Paddle to Lummi Stommish Grounds (2295 Lummi View Drive) July 24th-28th
Over 10,000 people and 100 canoes of the Coast Salish tribes are landing at the Stommish Grounds for a weekend of celebration and ceremony. Share in potlach traditional songs, dances and performances as the Lummi people host representatives from tribes stretching from Alaska to Washington. All are welcome for canoe races, music and food.
Whatcom Old Settlers Weekend Pioneer Park July 26th-28th
The oldest tradition in Ferndale, the Pioneer Picnic has been held every year since 1901 and remains an opportunity for neighbors to celebrate as a community. There is the Grand Parade on Sat. July 27th at 11am through Main Street, a classic car show, a 5k run and live music throughout the weekend.
Ferndale Renaissance Faire Pioneer Park July 20-21st
Whether you are a peasant or a prince, journey across land and sea to Pioneer Park for the first annual Ferndale Renaissance Faire. Enjoy belly dancing, soap making, sewing, weaving, fighting demonstrations, a scriptorium, forging, shield making, and an interactive shield wall demonstration. Music, merriment and more can be found for free all weekend long.
Ferndale Street Festival Downtown Ferndale August 23rd-24th
Friday night (6pm-11pm) and then 10am-11pm Saturday, we shut down the streets in downtown Ferndale and fill them with music and fun. With over 120 vendors, a Festival of Fenders Car Show, Kid’s Street with a live kid’s stage, fire trucks, dunk tanks, a bouncy house, crafts, petting zoo and money hunt in the hay for the kids, this festival is not to be missed.
Chalk Art Festival Griffintown Park (5786 2nd Avenue) Sept. 7th
Celebrate the end of summer and have fun in the sun making chalk art. Come down from 10am-2pm to Griffintown Park for this free family event with music and snacks. Multiple “canvasses” will be available for you to make your own chalk art creation.

The Great Ferndale Alien Abduction
Strange UFOs have visited the City during the month of July and left strange symbols in several Ferndale Parks. Gather a team, solve clues and find these strange symbols to score points and win prizes. Additional points may be earned for participating in community events, meeting your neighbors, or helping clean up the City. All you need to do to play is fill out the scorecard on the back of this newsletter, and turn it in to City Hall by Tuesday, July 23rd. For more details on this month-long Citywide scavenger hunt, go to www.cityofferndale.org/aliens