April 30th, 2021 Issue
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New Online Utility Billing Portal Coming June 1st
The City of Ferndale is bringing you a brand new utility billing portal, coming live June 1st from InvoiceCloud. The new interface will be free to use and will allow utility customers to receive their bill through email, set up Autopay, access their payment history, pay online with credit/debit card or e-check, set up bill reminders, update contact info, pay by text, Apple or Google Pay, and review up to 24 months of past bills as they become available.
This new system will provide better transparency for the public ensuring that all have access to their account information.
This does not mean that customers must give up their paper bill. For customers who prefer paper bills and check payments, the City will gladly continue to process their payments. They may even receive the paper bill and then go pay online.
Utility customers will receive information on how to sign up for the portal through the mail, separate from their bill, in the coming month.

Griffintown Park Trees Host Handmade Art Installation
Thanks to a free crochet class and materials from the Ferndale Arts Commission, volunteers were able to
create several tree sweaters to decorate the trees at Griffintown Park. This temporary art installation will be in place throughout the summer.
For more Arts Commission activities, check out

Reopening Public Facilities
With vaccination rates increasing and Whatcom County currently in Phase 3, the Ferndale Police Station and Court have reopened to the public with limited hours.
The lobby is open Tuesdays and Thursday from 10am-2pm and as conditions continue to improve, those hours may expand towards normal business hours.
All staff at City Hall will be returning from remote work as we move into summer and City Hall will be expected to reopen later this year as soon as it is safe for the public.

Keeping Chickens as Egg-cellent Pets
Dogs and cats may make excellent pets, but did you know that the City allows up to 12 domestic fowl on parcels less than ½ acre within the City limits?
Domestic fowl means “chicken, hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, pigeons, doves and other birds kept chiefly for their eggs, flesh, or for enjoyment.” They are free to roam in your enclosed back or side yard, but be sure to keep them on your own property and not let them trespass into your neighbor’s yard or the City right-of-way.
They can only be kept for personal use, which means no selling of eggs or manure, or breeding for commercial purposes. There are also specific setbacks and regulations related to chicken coops and other enclosures that must be followed, which include keeping them clean and tidy, so that there are no odors or other noticeable nuisances. Also take note that roosters, peacocks, and guinea fowl are outright prohibited.
Keep in mind that your neighborhood CC&Rs may have stricter regulations than the City’s rules, so be sure to check in with your HOA before moving forward with any plans for your new pets. For more information, or if you have any questions, please reach out to the City’s Code Compliance Officer, Kyla Boswell, at (360) 685-2365 or codecompliance@cityofferndale.org.

Ferndale Police Donate Unclaimed Bicycles to Rwandan Children
The Ferndale Police Department recently donated unclaimed bicycles to children in Kigali, Rwanda, where they will be used to set up a bicycle shop and provide transportation to the community.
This program, a branch of Bicycles for Humanity, is organized by Terry Mahoney. “The people over there need bicycles dsperately. This allows children to get to school, and doctors to get to appointments,” said Mahoney.
The bicycles, which would have traditionally been surplused and disposed of by the police department, will be shipped to Rwanda in a shipping container provided by Blaine company Kam-Way Transportation.

Mandatory Water Conservation Measures Begin June 1st
To help ensure that everyone has the water they need throughout the dry season, the City is implementing a mandatory water conservation schedule based on street address, and limiting outdoor watering to the hours of 5pm-10am for a period no longer than 30 minutes. Drip irrigation systems, food-bearing gardens, potted plants, hanging baskets, rain barrels, recreational uses, and newly installed landscaping are all exempt from the restrictions.
Following this schedule will help you save money on your water bill, reduce the impact on our environment and help ensure our water system runs strong throughout the season. But that’s not the only way to save water this summer. Here are some other
ideas to get you thinking:
4 Tips for Conserving Water
1) Install a rain barrel. Learn how to at www.cityofferndale.org/rainbarrels
2) Spot those leaks! A leaky toilet can mean a big bill. Take the time to find the drip or upgrade the faucet.
3) Gold is the new Green for lawns. Consider letting your lawn fade to gold. It will return in spring, we promise!
4) Plant native plants. They use less water and fare better in the heat.

Stormwater Management:
Stopping Floods and Pollution One Pond at a Time
Stormwater runoff occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground or other surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and streets, and into the stormwater system or surface water. As this water flows over surfaces, it can pick up contaminants such as sediment, oils, fertilizers, pet waste, and more. While some precipitation that falls in Ferndale evaporates or soaks into the ground, most eventually ends up in one of our streams or the Nooksack River. Much of the stormwater in Ferndale flows directly into streams and other surface waters without treatment.
To protect our waterways and prevent flooding, the city collects a stormwater fee from each utility bill and uses these funds to build and maintain our stormwater infrastructure, including new storm drains, pipes, and stormwater pond for the Thornton Overpass project, levee maintenance, flood fight activities, cleaning catch basins, street sweeping, and maintaining City owned facilities like regional ponds. These funds also support outreach efforts to protect and improve our water quality.
To see some of the stormwater infrastructure near you, find your home on our GIS Map at www.cityofferndale.org/maps. For more information, or to report spills or pollution, contact the City of Ferndale Stormwater Department
stormwater@cityofferndale.org or call 360-685-2357.