Source Control Inspection Program

The City is required to maintain an inventory of businesses and activities with potential outdoor pollutant-generating sources identified in the Department of Ecology Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit by North American Industry Classifications System (NAICS) group number.

City staff will inspect businesses and sites identified in the inventory to ensure required BMPs are implemented and effective. These inspections will focus on outdoor areas and activities with the potential to pollute stormwater, and will include:

  • A walkthrough to observe operations and potential sources of pollution
  • Inspection of drainage patterns and stormwater facilities
  • Review and assessment of best management practices (BMPs)
  • Follow-up inspections as needed

Inspections will focus on education and technical assistance to help owners and operators implement operational and structural BMPs to prevent water pollution. Retrofit stormwater treatment controls would only be required if source control BMPs do not prevent prohibited discharges to the groundwater, surface water, or the City’s stormwater system. Enforcement is a required component of the program, but will be used as a last resort to protect water quality and meet state and federal requirements.

For more information, or to schedule a voluntary inspection, contact City of  Ferndale Stormwater staff at 360-685-2357 or