Source Control Best Management Practices

The Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington defines a source control best management practice (BMP) as “a structure or operation intended to prevent pollutants from coming into contact with stormwater through physical separation of areas or careful management of activities that are sources of pollutants.”

Source control BMPs are separated into two types:

  • Structural Source Control BMPs are physical, structural, or mechanical devices or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater.
  • Operational Source Control BMPs are non-structural practices that prevent or reduce pollutants from entering stormwater.

Applicable operational source control BMPs are required for all pollutant generating sources. Structural source control BMPs, or treatment BMPs/facilities, or both, shall be required for pollutant generating sources if operational source control BMPs do not prevent illicit discharges or violations of surface water, groundwater, or sediment management standards.

Source Control Best Managment Practices can be found in Volume IV of the Stormwater Managment Manual for Western Washington

Selecting Source Control BMPs

For sites that must implement Source Control BMPs, use the following steps to guide selection of appropriate Source Control BMPs:

  1. All sites must implement the Source Control BMPs listed in IV-1 Source Control BMPs Applicable to All Sites.
  2. Next, base selection of additional Source Control BMPs on land use and the pollutant generating sources at the site.

For example, if a commercial printing business conducts weed control with herbicides, loading and unloading of materials, and vehicle washing, it should refer to the following BMP sections for these activities:

  1. Within the text for each Source Control BMP, there are “applicable” and “recommended” BMPs listed.

The reader should interpret the term “applicable” when referring to specific operational or structural Source Control BMPs as meaning “mandatory” or “required”. These BMPs must be implemented at the site.

Ecology offers “recommended” Source Control BMPs as approaches that go beyond or complement the applicable (mandatory) BMPs. Implementing the recommended Source Control BMPs may improve control of pollutants and provide a more comprehensive and environmentally effective stormwater management program. Ecology encourages all operators to review their SWPPPs and use recommended BMPs where possible.

IV-1 Source Control BMPs Applicable to All Sites

IV-2 Cleaning or Washing Source Control BMPs

IV-3 Roads, Ditches, and Parking Lot Source Control BMPs

IV-4 Soil Erosion, Sediment Control, and Landscaping Source Control BMPs

IV-5 Storage and Stockpiling Source Control BMPs

IV-6 Transfer of Liquid or Solid Materials Source Control BMPs

IV-7 Other Source Control BMPs

Management of Street Waste Solids and Liquids