Douglas Well #2 Access Road Project
This project includes construction of a new gravel maintenance road for future Douglas Well #2. The new gravel road will be configured so that access will also be available for a third well (Douglas Well #3), if desired, further into the future.
The proposed gravel road length is 375 LF (approx.) and it will include an enlarged pull-out area for well drilling work and future maintenance activities. Total new gravel road surface area = 8,500 SF. In addition, the proposed gravel road will include chain link fencing.
Sealed bids will be received from contractors by the Public Works Director, City of Ferndale, 2095 Main Street, P.O. Box 936, Ferndale, WA 98248 until 2:00 PM, Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 for the Ferndale Douglas Well #2 – Access Road Project. All bids shall be received in sealed envelopes with “FERNDALE DOUGLAS WELL #2 – ACCESS ROAD PROJECT” marked plainly thereon.
News and Information
Bid Process
- Invitation to Bid
- Pre-Bid Meeting: July 19th, 2023 – 10:00AM
- Bid Opening: July 26th, 2023 – 2:00PM
- Bid opening will be held at City Hall, 2095 Main Street, Ferndale, WA
- Record of Bid Opening
- Planholders’s List
- Bid Tabulation
Project Specifications and Plans:
- Project Specifications
- Project Plans – 11 x 17 ” sheet size
- Addendums to Bid documents will be available online on the Wilson Engineering website here: http://www.wilsonengineering.com/bidding-documents.aspx/