2022 October Parks Events
Join us this October for two recreational parks events.
The City of Frightdale Halloween Decorating Contest continus throughout the month of October.
The Mystery in the Park will be 3-5:30PM on Saturday, Oct. 29th in Pioneer Park. It will be held in conjunction with the Downtown Trick -or-Treat and the Whatcom Frightmare Haunted House.
City of Frightdale Locations
Direct link to Google Map
Vote on City of Frightdale Houses
List of City of Frightdale Locations
Address | Number assigned |
6069 Sunshine Drive, Ferndale WA | 1 |
6168 Lincoln Dr., Ferndale WA | 2 |
6261 Lincoln Dr. Ferndale, WA | 5 |
2203 Hawthorne St., Ferndale WA | 4 |
6183 Lincoln Drive, Ferndale WA | 3 |
2205 Seamount Drive, Ferndale, WA | 6 |
2257 Ferndale Terrace, Ferndale WA | 7 |
4974 Sunset Park Pl, Ferndale, WA | 8 |
2192 Gardiner Drive, Ferndale WA | 9 |
2571 Pacific Highlands Ave, Ferndale, WA | 10 |
6145 Church Road, Ferndale WA | 11 |
6214 Parkland Ct, Ferndale WA | 12 |
5318 Myers Drive | 13 |
2169 Seamount Dr. Ferndale WA | 14 |
1964 Conifer Drive, Ferndale WA | 15 |
5864 Vista Drive, Ferndale WA | 16 |
2660 Pacific Highlands Ct | 17 |

City of Frightdale Halloween Decorating Contest
It is time for the 2022 City of Frightdale Halloween Decorating Contest! On Halloween, enjoy terrifying sights across the city and vote on who has the spookiest place! This year, there are TWO ways you can participate.
Sign Up and Decorate:
Click here to send an email to Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org by Oct. 25th with your name and address to be added to our interactive City of Frightdale Halloween map. You will receive a Frightdale yard sign with a number on it.
Then on Halloween, put out your scariest decorations and if you like, be part of those decorations! Make your front yard a graveyard and pop out of that coffin! As your friends and neighbors go by, they can find your Frightdale number on the map and score your house.
The high scoring houses receive gift cards to local businesses.
Participate and Vote:
Participants can travel around the city visiting all the spooky locations on our Frightdale Map (it will be live on Halloween here at www.cityofferndale.org/Frightdale). Find the spooky houses and score them as you visit.
If you score more than five houses, you will be entered into a drawing to win gift cards to local businesses.
Ready, Set, GO!
Explore your city, terrify your neighbors and have a fantastic (and safe) Halloween. For more information and questions, email Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or call him at 360-685-2353.

Mystery in the Park
Pioneer Park (2004 Cherry St) on October 29th from 3PM-5:30PM