Impact Fees
An impact fee is a fee that is imposed by a local government on a new or proposed development project to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development. Impact fees are considered to be a charge on new development to help fund and pay for the construction or needed expansion of offsite capital improvements. These fees are implemented to help reduce the economic burden on local jurisdictions that are trying to deal with population growth within the area.
Impact fees are authorized by RCW 82.02.050 while connection fees are authorized by RCW 35.92.025.
- School Impact Fees (Ord. 1300): $1,100 per Single Family Residence Dwelling Unit; $650 per Multifamily Dwelling Unit
- Park Impact Fees (Ord. 2043): $2,422.00 for Single Family/Duplex/Manufactured Home/Lot; $1,965.00 for Multifamily Dwelling Unit.
- Storm Sewer Mitigation Fees (Ord.1311): $0.05 per square foot upon the gross property area being divided, or the gross square footage being developed.
- Transportation Impact Fees (Ord. 2035): See document links below. The City of Ferndale Transportation Impact Fees shall be based off the PM peak hour trip generation within a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) whenever a TIA has been completed. The trip generation within the TIA will be based upon the most recent edition of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual and Trip Generation Handbook. The TIF will be calculated by multiplying the number of net new PM peak hour trips by the cost per PM peak hour trip shown at the top of this page. The impact fees presented for each land use within this rate schedule are to be used as the basis of TIF calculation only when a TIA has not been completed.
Transportation Impact Fees – Citywide Downtown Planned Action
Traffic Impact Fee – Map