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Contrary to Mom’s advice about settling – we’re excited to say we’ve thoroughly enjoyed that sinking feeling and have hit bottom!

Over the past 18 months, the soils beneath the embanked approaches to the new Thornton Overpass have compressed and settled to the point work can begin on the bridge. Work on the project hasn’t been idle while the settlement period was underway.  Over the last year and a half, the City’s contractor, Strider Construction, completed wetland mitigation work, has built a new stormwater pond, and has installed thousands of feet of new public utility infrastructure leading up to the overpass. Even with all this work completed, the project has not quite hit the midpoint of work to be done.

In the next couple of months, construction of the bridge will begin and continue for the remainder of the project, as will the remaining utility work, paving and pedestrian improvements.  At the same time, the City will be rebuilding the section of Thornton Street between Vista Drive and Malloy Drive so drivers and pedestrians will enjoy a smooth experience entering and exciting the new Overpass. Both projects are on target for completion in 2023.  For more details and updates, visit or #ThorntonOverpass.