Here you can find minutes from public meetings, contact information for your elected officials and mayoral proclamations.
For more details on your City Council, Mayor, Public Records, Staff Directory and Boards and Commissions, see the boxes below.

Ferndale’s Mayor exercises the responsibilities as outlined by law for as Mayor-Council plan of government. This includes exercising general supervision over the administrative affairs of the City; the responsibility for the appointment and removal of personnel; and the execution of the laws and policies as adopted by the City Council.

City Council
The Ferndale City Council is the legislative and policy-making body of city government. Council members are responsible for passing laws through ordinance and policies through resolutions, and approve the annual budget initially proposed by the mayor.

Past Meeting Recordings
Recordings of City Council and Committee Meetings

Public Documents
Public Records Requests, Public Notices, City Code, Forms, Minutes and Agendas

About Ferndale
History of our town, demographics, maps

Staff Directory
Contact information for City Staff, Mailing Addresses, Phone Numbers, Emails