The City of Ferndale invites you to a ribbon cutting for Ferndale’s newest park amenity on Weds. Nov. 3rd at 4:30PM at Star Park.
This ADA accessible shelter includes unique artistic features that align with Star Park, seating for over 60 people and will be a welcome addition to the greater Pioneer Park.
The ribbon cutting will include brief remarks by Mayor Greg Hansen and light refreshments. The shelter will be open to the public throughout the winter season and available to rent for events in the spring.
Thank you to Gray and Osbourne, The Watershed Company and Oceanside Construction, Inc for all their work on this project.
The City also wishes to thank former Rep. Luanne Van Werven for securing a grant to help make this happen.
For more information or questions, please contact Communication Officer Riley Sweeney at 360-685-2353 or rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org