Calling all skaters and riders, the City of Ferndale wants to hear from you! The City is holding a live webinar to help design Metalworks Skatepark on January 26th at 6PM to gather input on what features would work best for a skate/bmx/scooter facility in Ferndale.
New Line Skateparks, an internationally renowned skatepark design and construction team, will be collecting the feedback and transforming it into a plan so that construction can get underway later this year.
“How do we make an awesome skatepark for Ferndale? Simple. We ask the people who are going to use it and have the best designers make it happen,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “This is your opportunity to tell us what would work and what wouldn’t.”
Participants can access the meeting over Zoom at www.tinyurl.com/MetalworksMeeting1
There will also be an online survey available from Jan. 26th-Feb 11th as another opportunity to provide input. It will go live immediately after the meeting and be available at www.tinyurl.com/MetalworksSkatepark
For more information, please visit our project page at www.cityofferndale.org/skatepark