Arts Commission Brings New Sculpture to Griffintown Park
Yesterday, the Ferndale Public Works crew installed the newest piece of Ferndale art in Griffintown Park (5786 Second Avenue) down near Edaleen Dairy. Standing fourteen feet tall, this piece is designed by local artist and former Bellingham Technical College welding instructor Don Anderson. His pieces, which have previously been displayed in Ferndale, are nature-inspired abstract metal sculptures. This piece, originally titled “New Hope”, was offered to the City at half price by the artist and fits with the art and other installations at Griffintown Park. The sculpture cost the City $10,000 and was already included as part of the Arts Commission’s annual budget.
“I’m grateful to see the work of the Arts Commission continue to serve and enrich our community so thoughtfully, and excited to see this sculpture contribute to the artistic landscape of our city,” said City Councilmember and liaison to the Arts Commission Ali Hawkinson.
The Ferndale Arts Commission hosts dozens of free community arts events, and brings murals, sculptures and music to Ferndale. To learn more about bringing art to Ferndale, the public is invited to join the Ferndale Arts Commission, which meets on the second Wednesday of every month at City Hall at 5PM. More information about the commission is available here.