Ferndale Terrace Improvement Project
PROJECT SUMMARY: This project will reconstruct and widen approximately 2,500 feet of the existing roadway to City standards, including curb, gutter, sidewalks and improvements to the City’s utilities, including constructing or replacing stormwater, water and sewer lines. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2025.
PROJECT FUNDING: Funded in part by the Washington State Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (Department of Ecology) for design and construction for a total grant award of $1.48M, this project will improve water quality in Schell Creek by installing stormwater filters in Ferndale Terrace to provide treatment for total suspended solids (TSS) and dissolved metals. The City was also awarded a $2.85M grant from the Transportation Improvement Board to improve and reconstruct the roadway.
PROJECT DESIGN: The project is currently wrapping up the design phase, with engineers developing plans and specifications needed to rebuild the roadway and City utilities. During this phase, the project team researches and reviews existing conditions, performs an analysis of future needs for traffic volumes, and assesses utility capacity and demand in the future. That information is used to develop the project footprint and improvements needed to construct the new roadway.
RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION: The City will be starting the right of way acquisition phase of the project soon. While Ferndale often owns sufficient right of way width or easements needed to accommodate most planned improvements on its capital projects, it is sometimes necessary to acquire additional property rights to complete the work. Needed additional rights may include partial acquisitions for the widened roadway features and utilities, temporary construction easements to provide sufficient room for workers to install the planned improvements or restore private property access to the new street, and permits to blend the City’s work into existing yards. Those rights are purchased from private land owners in accordance with state and federal law. The City, as a public agency, acquires needed property and easements under its power of eminent domain, provides just compensation based on fair market value, and negotiates with property owners to complete the necessary transaction. For more information on the requirements guiding the City’s work to acquire the needed property rights, the Washington State Department of Transportation’s brochure, Transportation Needs and You, provides a detailed outline of the process for purchasing property and acquiring easements.
QUESTIONS: For more information, please contact KatyRadder@cityofferndale.org or call (360) 384-4006.
- Aerial with Streetscape Overlay
- Right of Way Plan – This plan shows the type, location, and dimension of additional property rights needed to construct the proposed improvements.
- Preliminary Construction Drawings (for information only) – These drawings show the proposed improvements planned as part of construction. These plans are subject to revision prior to bid and are for informational purposes only.
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