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Use the below online form to test out entering for a fun run
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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Participant's Name
Check if you are a youngish human
I am a minor (18 years and under)
Name of Guardian
All minors must be accompanied by an adult during the event.
Participant (runner/jogger/walker) or Zombie (volunteer)
Please indicate whether you would like to be a participant (runner) or a zombie (volunteer). All volunteers must register by October 4, 2024.
Your email will be used for race updates only.
Zip Code
Signature/Acknowledgement of Liability Release Waiver
By entering your name above, you are acknowledging you have read the following release and waiver of liability: In consideration of my voluntary participation in the Zombie Fun Run on Saturday, October 12, 2024, in partnership with the City of Ferndale (hereinafter referred to as “the City”) at Ferndale, WA (hereinafter referred to as the "City Event,") I, acknowledge that participation in the City Event involves certain risks of physical injury and/or death. Being fully informed as to these risks and in consideration of being allowed to participate in the City Event, I hereby acknowledge that my participation is voluntary, and I assume all risk of injury, damage and harm to myself arising from such activities and participation in the City Event. I also hereby individually and on behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, hereby release and hold harmless the City and its officials, members, employees, representatives, agents, directors, sponsors, organizers, volunteers, and any other person acting on behalf of the City, and hereby waive any right of recovery I might have to bring a claim or a lawsuit against them for any personal injury, death, loss of property or property damage, or any other damage or consequences of any kind whatsoever occurring to me arising out of my participation in the City Event, except for those caused by the sole negligence of the City. I have read and understood everything written above, and I voluntarily sign this waiver and release on my own behalf. (If the participant is under 18 years of age, the signature of a parent or guardian of the participant is required in addition to that of the participant.)
Submit Registration